Diana lost 18 lbs in 41 days!
I decided to start the Activate DNA-based Weight Lossprogram to help me get my blood sugar levels down. My levels had been in the pre-diabetic range for the past 5 years. At my physical, I had lost 5 pounds and my cholesterol levels were improved, but my blood sugar levels had gone up. I saw a nutritionist but knew I was in trouble when all the foods I thought were healthy were mostly carbohydrates. This program through Dr. Nelson’s office seemed like a good fit for me. I was looking not for a diet, but a a lifestyle change. There was no packaged or diet food. You buy your own food and cook it yourself. Your food journal and guide offer recipes and grocery lists which made it so easy to follow. The other component which made it right for me was the daily follow up. Having to be accountable to someone made it easier to stick to it. I didn’t want to let the team down. My goal was to lose 20 pounds. I lost 18 pounds during the Losing Phase and have dropped 4 more pounds during the first 2 weeks of maintenance. I’m especially proud because I started the Losing Phase right before Thanksgiving and started the Maintenance Phase right before Christmas. Being able to lose weight and keep it off during the holidays is a big confidence booster. I really feel that this program has shown me how to make better food choices, portion control and how to stop stress/emotional eating. I’m excited to continue these changes in the future and know I can count on Dr. Nelson and Liz to get me back on track if I need help.